Insignia Financial focuses on ESG agenda

Insignia Financial focuses on ESG agenda

We continue to strengthen our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles, and are proud to announce we are now a certified Climate Active organisation by achieving carbon neutrality for operational emissions nationally.

Our carbon neutrality status was achieved across the business in FY21 by offsetting Scope 1, 2 and 3 operational emissions with carbon credit offsets. This announcement coincides with the release of our inaugural Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report, released as part of our ESG report in Insignia Financial’s 2022 Annual Report. 

After almost doubling in employee numbers following the acquisition of MLC, Insignia Financial has committed to actively taking measures to reduce its operational emissions by 2050, with the aim of significantly reducing the reliance on purchasing carbon offsets into the future.

Insignia Financial achieved carbon neutral status by measuring and offsetting Scope 1, 2 and 3 operational emissions through the purchase of carbon credits in June 2022. Carbon credits generated by projects including savannah burning at Kendall River Station in far north Queensland and solar thermal cookers in China were among those selected.

Renato Mota, Insignia Financial CEO, said: “At Insignia Financial we are proud to have achieved carbon neutral status as it demonstrates our commitment to ESG initiatives, our ability to manage risk, and deliver long term value to all our stakeholders.

“We understand the sustainability of our business is intrinsically linked to sustaining the environment and the communities we serve, which is why maintaining strong ESG practices is an integral part of our business strategy.”

Read the media release.